Will 2020 be your year of leading?

I believe it could well be. And that belief fuels the Your Leadership Pathworks podcast and video series I wish to share with you in 2020. You see, when you step out onto the path of leading others in the pursuit of intended change in the world, you experience a series of predictable phases — phases that will deeply challenge you. You will need to know who you are, and you will also need to know who you must become to endure the internal and external obstacles in front of you, on the path of leading. Each month we will explore in a short video one of the 10 phases of Your Leadership Pathworks. In the initial phase on the path, you observe the world around you, in your own unique way. When you don’t like what you see, the discontent you feel prompts you to consider doing something about it. From this prompting, you may advance to seeing a better tomorrow with the help of your imagination, to then believing in your capacity to bring it about, to wanting that future enough to put time, treasure and reputation at risk, to moving into action, to seeking others to join you, to gaining followers, to creating change together, to rendering the outcome, and finally, to renewing your efforts at generating intended change. These represent the 10 phases of Your Leadership Pathworks.

In the video series you will learn the structure that governs leading intended change – the very purpose for leading anyone. One layer of this structure is the Event sequence. The
significant events we generate as leaders occur in the natural order of time – but only if we effectively wield what I disclose to be the 5 Forces of change. Applying these 5 I-Forces (each Force begins with the letter i) pulls us forward, from event to event, ultimately toward the result we seek. These Forces pull us through Fields – internal dimensions you will recognize – and which, although all are present to some degree throughout our conscious daily lives, certain of them emerge more prominently and more predictably, at different points along the path.

The Events that occur in time, the Forces that you need to wield, and the Fields that lie within you to be traversed, weave together to produce the predictable phases of the path you must experience, as a leader committed to bringing forth intended change – in a world which otherwise will bring to bear upon you its chaotic blend of unintended, impersonal, and increasingly, unpredictable change. Now, as you work your way through the phases of Your Leadership Pathworks – there are important leadership distinctions — key differentiatable words within the vocabulary of leading — of which you must command the meaning, to gain the essential knowledge of leadership, with which to project your vision into the world, and for you to see it through.

The Your Year of Leading weekly podcast series will focus – briefly but I think provocatively –

  • on 52 important leadership distinctions throughout 2020. The podcast series begins on
    Tuesday, January 7. A new 3-4-minute episode will be aired each following Tuesday.

You can find the Your Year of Leading podcast series on i-Tunes and Spotify, or go directly to www.yourpathworks.com. Simply log in with your email address to download the podcast and/or to receive a weekly email reminder. You may also opt to read online or download the
weekly blog entry.

For related news, articles and updates, follow me on LinkedIn, on Twitter @heybillc, on Instagram at yourleadership_pathworks, and on Medium. All of these information-sharing channels will lead you ultimately to the publication of a comprehensive leadership development guidebook at the end of the year. Stay tuned for developing news about that as we make our way.
Please join me as we progressively work your path of leadership in 2020 – Your Year of Leading. I’m Bill Carroll. Until next time.

Further reading
